Here is the math page for Chengyang Wu.
About me:
I am currently a fourth-year Ph.D. candidate at Peking University.
Education Career:
Research Interests:
Lie groups, Homogeneous dynamical systems, and Diophantine approximations.
Preprints and Publications:
- (Joint work with Lifan Guan) Bounded geodesics on locally symmetric spaces. (To appear)
- (Joint work with Danijela Damjanovic, Amie Wilkinson, and Disheng Xu) The symmetries of affine K-systems and a program for centralizer rigidity. (To appear)
- (Joint work with Zichang Wang and Bohan Yang) On identities concerning integer parts, Combinatorics and Number Theory, 13-4 (2024), 317–332. DOI 10.2140/cnt.2024.13.317.
Teaching Experiences
- Teaching Materials.
- (2025 Spring) Linear Algebra A (II).
- (2024 Spring) Higher Algebra (II), Honors Class.
- (2023 Fall) Higher Algebra (I), Honors Class.
- (2023 Spring) Higher Algebra (II), Honors Class.
- (2022 Fall) Higher Algebra (I), Honors Class.
- (2022 Spring) Mathematical Analysis (II).
- (2021 Fall) Linear Algebra B.